In computer networking, generally, a wireless access point (aka a wireless router) is a simple network hardware device which allows multiple wireless devices to link with a wired Ethernet network using wireless networks. Typically, the AP usually ties to the LAN router as a separate device, but it could also be a key component of the LAN router itself.
If your LAN router does not support wireless networking
then you will have to purchase a dedicated wireless router, which is generally a much more expensive device. However, it is recommended that if possible to use a standard LAN router which will work in most cases as it will provide the same functionality as the wireless access points.
Once you have purchased a wireless router, it is advisable to configure the wireless connection in the router. This will allow you to make sure that all your computers are connected to the appropriate networks.
When you configure wireless access points in your router you will need to configure each wireless device individually. Some routers have a specific “drop” setting, which means that they are only able to receive certain network connections. Therefore, it is important to ensure that any devices that are enabled will be able to connect with the network and that the “drop” setting is disabled.
To configure each wireless network individually, there are several software programs available. One of the best is a program called Wireshark. It can be downloaded from the Internet and configured to scan your LAN and enable you to see information about each wireless connection.
Once you have downloaded Wireshark you will need to follow the instructions on how to configure your wireless network using this program. You will want to ensure that the settings are correct and that you have the IP address for each of your wireless devices.
The first thing you will need to do when you configure the wireless network on your router is configured the wireless security settings. It is recommended that you configure the “dhcp” option as this will enable your wireless network with private addresses which will hide your network’s public address. You should also ensure that you have the security type of WEP.
The next step is to configure the WPA option. In this step you will need to enter the password and PIN which enable your wireless network to pass the WPA security. As you do so you will have to press OK when the screen returns.
Next you will need to enter the IP address of each of the wireless devices
that you want to connect to your WLAN. It is advisable that you configure WEP Security mode and then enter the network name. Finally you should enter the security type and the WEP Key.
You will also need to configure the WEP key for the access point. The WEP Key will be necessary in order to access the WEP protected area of your WLAN and to establish a connection with it. You should ensure that all your computers are connected to the WLAN and then enter the WEP Key for each computer.
- Once you have done this you will need to find out what each computer’s IP address is.
- Then click the name of each computer.
- Once all the computers are found you should click the Wireless icon and then select the WEP key for that particular computer.
When you have finished with these steps, your wireless card needs to be configured. To do so you need to click the WEP Key on the WAP icon. If you want to use the MAC address instead of the IP address, then you can select the card that is associated with the Ethernet port. After that click the Add button.
You will need to click on the Add button next to select the card to associate it with the USB port of your computer. Once this step is complete, you need to select the network to connect your device with and enter the password for. After that click OK and then click OK.